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How to Clean Mold Bean Bag? – Answer With Complete Guide

Lack of care may cause to generate mold on the bean bag surfaces. If mold builds, it will lose the beauty of the bean bag and emit an unpleasant order. 

Mold can create an awful feeling about your favorite bean bag. So, what should you do? Do you like to throw away your favorite bean bag? 

However, if you have already experience molds in your bean bag, there is another chance to get rid of them. It means you can clean mold from bean bags. Another good news is cleaning a mold from a bean bag is manageable with proper knowledge. 

Before turning into the topic, shall I ask a question? What is this mold?

I know you may have a rough idea about it. So, let me clarify it further!

Mould is a fungus that grows on any surface in a humid environment. Generally, these fungus needs three things to survive. These are air, water, and source of food. 

clean mold bean bags

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How to Know When Growing Mold in Your Bean Bag?

  • Generally, when mold grows in your bean bag, the affected areas look dark green or black color 
  • Also, it has a fussy or slimy texture
  • It emits an odor

However, before learning how to clean mold from the bean bag, first look at why your bean bag is affected by them. Prevention is better than cleaning. 

Why Does Mold Grow in Your Bean Bag?

Placing the bean bag in a warm but moist environment.

When you place the bean bag that connects with the mist and rain, it fulfills the requirements to grow molds.

For example, if you place your bean bag near the balcony or window, you can experience this. On the other hand, nearby pools and outdoor areas are highly humid; if moisture does not evaporate soon, it provides the best condition to grow mold. 

Placing the bean bag on or near the surface where it already is affected by mold

If you place your bean bag on a surface like wood or carpet affected with mold, there is a high possibility of spreading the mold over the bean bag too. 

Some materials are highly susceptible to fungi.

Most fabrics and fillers used to make bean bags highly absorb water. Velvet, cotton, and linen are the most relevant examples. So, when the material is wet, it is highly susceptible to growing mold. 

Leather does not absorb water. But when leather is wet and not dry well, it is not different from cotton. In that type of situation, mold can overgrow in leather too. 

Dirt your bean bag with liquid-like oil

Some of the liquid may cause the growth of mold. Oil, coffee, wine, and tea are some of them.

Why Should You Clean Mold Bean Bag?

Mould can badly affect your health because it can cause respiratory issues, joint pain, fatigue, migraine, heart problems, and even symptoms of depression. 

In addition to that, mold can trigger an allergy someone, and consequently, it causes sneezing, irritation, and congestion. Further, mold gives an unpleasant and dirty appearance to your bean bag while emitting an unpleasant odor.  

Because of these reasons, you should clean your mold bean bag quickly and try to prevent your bean bag from this fungus. 

cleaning mold bean bags

How to Clean Mold Bean Bag?

First, before following one of these methods, you should wear a face mask and follow safety measures to avoid health complications. 

Another important thing is to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before you select the method to clean mold bean bags. Because it includes what you can do and what you cannot. Also, it is better to do a spot test for any solution before you apply it to the whole bean bag. 

Method 1: Oxygenated Bleach

Here, you can only clean mold bean bags by following a few simple steps. 

Step 1: Remove the outer cover of your mold bean bag

First, carefully remove the outer cover of your mold bean bag. 

If you do not know how to remove the bean bag outer cover, click here. It will guide you to accomplish that task.

Step 2: Use a better mild detergent

Mix the detergent with hot water. Here also you should follow the instructions. 

Step 3: Add oxygenated bleaching to the mixture

Here the most important thing is you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Another thing is some people tend to use chlorine bleach to clean molds on hard surfaces like walls and floors. 

But it is not recommended to use chlorine bleach for bean bags. Most probably, it will cause discoloration of your bean bag. It can burn and fade the fabric of the bean bag

That’s why I recommend using oxygenated bleach for better results. However, do not forget to clean the inner cover of the bean bag if mold affects it too. 

Step 4: Wash the bean bag cover properly 

Step 5: Let it dry under the sunlight

Method 2: White Tree Tea Oil

If you fear using chemicals, you can use natural solutions. The white tree tea oil is best for it. It has effective elements to kill fungus and bacteria. 

Step 1: Mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil with a cup of water

Step 2: Sprinkle the mixture using a spray bottle 

Here, spray the tea tree oil into the mold but before spraying, shake the bottle well before spraying. Keep it dry.

However, it does not make an issue. Because tea tree oil has a pleasing aroma, it remains for a few days. 

Method 3: White Vinegar

Step 1: Spray distilled vinegar onto the moldy area of your bean bag 

Week nontoxic acid, white vinegar, has the 82% ability to destroy the mold, and it is not dangerous and does not have hazardous fumes. 

Step 2: Wait one hour 

After spraying it leave for about one hour. 

Step 3: Wipe the area using a wet dump cloth. 

After about one hour, you can wipe the sprayed white vinegar from the mold area using a wet dump cloth. 

Step 4: Let it dry 

The Air dry process is ideal for this. However, you may have doubts about the smell of vinegar. But don’t worry, the smell will disappear within a few hours. 

Method 4: White Grapefruit Seed Extract

If you are searching for an odorless solution, use white grapefruit seed extract. This extract can remove mold effectively from the fabrics. 

White grapefruit seed extract includes citric acid, which will cause the molds to become fatal. Below are steps to get rid of mold in your bean bag.

Step 1: Create a solution 

Take a cup of water and add ten drops of white grapefruit seeds. Then mix it well. 

Step 2: Put the solution into a spray bottle and shake it well 

Step 3: Apply the mixture to the mold area of the bean bag directly 

Step 4: Let it remain 

Here it does not need to wash off. Because the remaining grapefruit seed extract treats to mold, it will prevent mold growth again. 

Method 5: Borax

Borax is also a natural mold killer, and it is water-soluble. However, this is available in powder form.

This is also known as sodium borate, a booster for laundry detergents. Further, Borax removes the stains by combining sodium, oxygen, and boron. 

Step 1: Make the borax solution to remove the mold 

Add ½ cup of Borax to a gallon of warm water. 

Step 2: Spray the solution to the mold area of the bean bag 

Here you can fill the solution into a spray bottle and sprinkle the mixture into the mold. However, if mold spreads over the whole bean bag cover, you can soak the cover in the solution. 

Step 3: Leave it about 3 minutes or one hour 

Step 4: Rinse it off and dry well 

Final Thoughts

Caring for your favorite seat is your responsibility. But you may miss it due to this busy life. So, when your bean bag is affected, you should know the best method to get rid of mold and save your bean bag. Here I include more effective options to remove molds, and the choice is yours. Start your work!

Heating Bean Bag Without a Microwave

A heating Bean bag is a small sac filled with specific beans such as rice, corn, walnut shells, clay pits, or dry beans. It is generally used to massage the body joints and muscles, and the warm bean bag has a magical power to relax the body muscles.

Due to these features, this therapy is prevalent among athletes, older adults, bodybuilders, and persons with some disorders. However, before using this magical sac, you should warm it up. So, to get fast heat up, most people use microwaves.

But some people do not have these tools, and some machines do not work when you want them. Whatever the situation, do you still need to heat your bean bag?

So, I am here to share my experiences and knowledge about how to heat bean bags without a microwave!

You can quickly learn some tips and tricks to heat your bean bag in this article. Further, this includes some brilliant methods to do this task easily. Thus, do not waste time if you need to warm up with bean bag therapy. Just try to below methods and enjoy your time!

heat bean bags without microwave

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Methods to Heat Bean Bags Without a Microwave

Method 1: Heat Bean Bag Using an Oven

Besides the microwave, you can use a regular oven to heat the bean bag. An oven is an equipment specially designed to heat and make food.

Most of your bean bags are filled with food-grade corn, rice, and dry beans. 

So, oven heating will not damage their texture or properties.

However, remember that you should use the correct temperatures and timing. If not, your bean bag and filler beads will burn at high temperatures. So, follow these steps!

Step 1: Preheat the Oven to 200 Fahrenheit

However, if you do not like to increase the temperature at this level, it is free to use low temperatures. However, it is strictly advised not to increase the temperature above the mentioned levels. It will end up with a burnt bean bag with a smoking smell.

Step 2: Put Bean Bag Into the Oven for the 25 – 30 minutes

This period is enough to heat your bean bag at a sufficient level. Also, this is the maximum heat that can apply to a bean bag. If you use low temperatures, leave them some minutes more than I mentioned.

Here, keeping the cooking pat or dish with water in the oven is better. You can place this alongside the bean bag. So, it will not let to dry out your bean bag.

Step 3: Then Take Off the Bean Bag and Place it on the Metal Tray

Now you can enjoy the moment with a warm massage!

Method 2: Heat Bean Bag Using a Conventional Oven

Instead of an ordinary microwave, you can use a conventional oven to heat your bean bag. This is a great alternative to warm your heating pad safely and effectively. Moreover, conventional ovens come with glass doors. Thus, you can keep an eye on your bean bag.

Plus, the automotive timer will turn off at the correct time when you operate this. So, it is not a significant matter when you are not around the oven.

Further, the conventional oven prevents overheating. So, it will protect your bean bag or heating pad from burns. To gain this incredible experience, try the following steps.

Pre-Step: Make sure that your bean bag is made with 100% pure cotton fabric and thread

Generally, some synthetic fabrics melt quickly under high temperatures. So, it will get you in trouble and can burn your bean bag. So it is a must to use a heat-resistance bean bag with this method.  

Step 1: Set the Temperature Between 200- 250 Fahrenheit

Step 2: Then, set the timer for 25-30 minutes

Step 3: Place your bean bag in the oven

Here, you can use the tray to keep the bean bag safely. Also, do not forget to put a heat-resistant water pot in the oven.  

Step 4: After this period, take off your bean bag

Now your bean bag is ready for the therapy. Awesome! No? This will be the most beautiful time of the day!

Method 3: Heat Bean Bag Using Aluminum Foil

Besides the above method, you can heat your bean bag using the conventional oven. Both ways are almost the same, and there are only a few different points here.

Let’s see what they are?

Step 1: Preheat the Oven to 175 Fahrenheit 

Step 2: Wrap the bean Bag with aluminum foil

Do not let expose any area of a bean bag to the outer environment.

Step 3: Place bean bag on the center rack of the oven for more than 45 minutes

The heat in the oven will eventually transfer to the bean bag. It will lead to heat the bean bag.

Method 4: Heating Bean Bag Over a Pot

It would be best to acquire a heavy pot with a lid to do this method. Then follow these guidelines.

Step 1: Heat the Heavy Pot With a Lid

In this step, do not add high heat and ensure that heat does not damage the pot. You can heat this pot with a gas cooker or any other hot plate.

After that, heat and take off the pot from the burner. It is the safest method to do this task.

Step 2: Put a Dishtowel on the Bottom of this Heavy Pot

Now you may wonder why we add a dishtowel at the bottom of the pot. Right?

Because it has several benefits, your bean bag does not directly touch the heavy pot. So, it will protect your bag from undesirable burnouts.

Step 3: Taka a Bean Bag and Put it Over the Dish Towel

The dishtowel help to heat your bean bag eventually. So, the heat will spread to every corner of the bean bag.

If not, you may notice some spots of the bean bag get burnt while others are not. Here, you can heat bean bags filled with corn, rice, or any other filler type without any issue.

Step 4: Then, put the lid over the pot

This step helps to keep your pot warm for a long time. So, it will support warming up your bean bag speedily.

Step 5: Let it stay there for 15-20 minutes

During this period, the heat stored on the pot transfers to the bean bag. Then take off your bean bag. Now you may have a heated bean bag without using the microwave.

Method 5: Heat the Bean Bag Using the Double Boil Method

Heat bean bag is not rocket science! You need to think smart. Also, bean bag therapy is not a modern technique. It is derived from the ancient era. During this period, people used different methods to heat their bean bags. 

So, if you need to heat your bean bag, you can try the double boil method. Follow these steps!

Step 1: First, take a heavy pot and fill water into it

Step 2: Heat the water at the boiling point

Step 3: Take another dry to bawl with a lid

This bawl size should be enough to put on a bean bag.

Step 4: Put it in the water.

Here, this dry bawl should have the ability to withstand high heat. Generally, as you know, water’s boiling point is 212 Fahrenheit. So, check whether this bawl can tolerate this temperature. 

Also, this pot should not sink in the water after putting the bean bag. Thus, taking bawl with an excellent floating ability (less dense pot) is essential. 

Step 5: Place your bean bag in the dry bawl

Now you can put your bean bag on the bawl and let it heat. The heat of water transfers into your dry bawl first, which tends to heat. Accordingly, your bean bag will absorb the heat from the dry bawls. 

However, if you use this process, make sure this dry bawl is entirely close when the bean bag is there. If not, the steam may touch your bean bag. As a result, the natural seed can be damaged. So, do not let the bean bag expose to moisture or steam. 

You can entirely cover the bean bag using aluminum foil to ensure this. It will help you to keep your bean bag for a long time. 

Final Thoughts

The hot bean bag gives an excellent feel by easing cramps, and muscle aches, especially in cold weather. So, do not miss this therapy because you do not have some tools. 

I hope you read the whole article and grab every fact I mentioned above. This world is full of many alternatives. So, you can choose an option if you do not have the exact tool or equipment. Sometimes these alternatives will be easier and more cost-effective than the original method. 

However, the inappropriate method can burn your bean bag. Keep in mind that the heat reacts differently with different materials. So, it must align with well-recommended practices when dealing with the heat.

Bring Bean Bag Chair To College

Bean bags have proven it is the most comfortable seating pad in the modern world. That’s why everyone from toddlers to grandparents loves to sit there. In past decades it has been used as a piece of home furniture. However, due to its super-duper experience, bean bags acquired some spaces in office rooms, hotels, and school classrooms.

Some countries have introduced “The classroom of the future in this decade.” The desk-free classrooms are their primary objective. So, they use bean bags to create these smart classrooms. As a result, many primary schools tend to replace their traditional desk and chairs with bean bags with this concept.

The famous educator, professor Heppell, said that students are more receptive to learning and developing positive behavior patterns in a boardless environment. It means that bean bags allowed kids to create groups more closely and collaboratively continue their work.

Also, the educators said bean bags could develop the kids’ intrapersonal skills. Also, they believe a bean bag is an excellent tool to create an independent personality with good focus.

Because of these benefits administration of most colleges tend to add bean bags into;

  • Classrooms
  • Study areas
  • Libraries

However, some colleges cannot give separate bean bags for every student. They add several bean bags for common areas. Thus, some students want to carry their bean bags to the college. But most of them have doubts about can I bring the bean bag into the college and how to bring it?

I know you also have some doubts. That’s why you are reading this article. Spend 10 minutes and read the facts carefully. In the end, you will find the perfect answer!

bean bags in college

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Carry Bean Bags in Public Transport

Now you know, most colleges approved using bean bags on school premises. However, how do you bring a bean bag to the school?

Let me ask a question first!

How do you go to college? By bus? Or Car?

Do you use public transportation to go to a college? You may get in big trouble if the answer is yes because bean bags acquire ample space. So, if you are going to carry it on public transport, it will disturb the others. Also, it is not easy to move them every day.

However, do not worry! I will say how to do this!

Shrink & Pack The Bean Bag

Suppose you have a bean bag and you need to bring it to college. Then, you should reduce its volume. Here, you can use a bean bag shrinking kit. Using the vacuum, remove the excess air accumulated inside the bean bag.

After your bean bag has shrunk, pack it in a box. Using this method, you can reduce the half the size of the bean bag. We have a separate blog post if you need this process step by step. It has all the details of shrinking and transporting your bean bag.

You can carry it on public transport when it is well packed because busses and trains consist baggage storage. So, you can put your box there. After unloading your bean bag into the school, you can remove the container. Then your bean bag automatically converts into the original size.

However, it is not easy to carry them every day. So, you should have some space to store your bean bag permanently. Then you can enjoy it while studying indoors and outdoor during school hours.

Transport Bean Bags in a Car

Do you go to a college by riding your own car? Or else with your parent’s vehicle? Then you can take your bean bag with you.

Most cars have good storage space. So, you can shrink your bean bag using a vacuum cleaner and pack it into the box. After that, carefully store this box inside the car.

However, if you do not like to shrink it, carry the bean bag in the car in the original size. Just wrap it using a polythene cover and place it on the back seat. To improve the stability, you can use seat belts too.

However, bringing bean bags into the school every day is not an easy task. So, here find a secure place to store it. If not, it will become a favorite seat of rats at night.

Use an Inflated Bean Bag

If you need to use bean bags at college and home, the material-filled bean bags are not suitable. On the other hand, inflated ones are best if you need a bean bag that carries on your backpack.

Why am I recommending it?

Inflated bean bags are not the same as other bags. It makes with different technology, and the air is its main filler. So, you just have to open its mouth and fill the air. After usage, you can remove the air and pack it in your bag. Yes, it is a super easy process, and you just want to spend five minutes filling air into the bean bag.

Now you may think, how am I filling air into the bean bag? Do I need an air pump for this? How do I find a pump from college? No! You do not need any special tools to fill air into the inflated bean bag. You can use atmospheric air for this. It is a zero costly and straightforward process.

You just have to open the mouth of the bean bag horizontally and run ten steps. Then the air will automatically fill the bag. If you need to clarify this further, then click here.

Because of easiness of usage, most kids, teenagers, and adults love to use this type of bean bag in high school. On the other hand, it is lightweight. Thus, it is easy to carry any place (indoor or outdoor) that you choose for study.

Use Dorm Bean Bags

Generally, dorm bean bags are used in limited spaces like apartments and hostels. You do not have a huge space to put your bean bag at the college. Most students use dorm bean bags for their colleges as a solution for this.

These are easy to carry and move. Also, have a lightweight. Because of these benefits, you can bring a dorm bean bag in your car or public transport without facing massive troubles. You can also carry it in your traveling bag if you shrink it.


If you wish to bring your bean bag to the college, you can buy a Lovesac product. It is stylish and modern. So, you can match it in any environment. Also, it will maintain your status.

The best thing is that Lovesac bean bags come with a shrinking tool kit. So, when you want to bring it to the college, you can shrink it and pack it in a duffle bag. A duffle bag is like a traveling bag and consists of two comfortable handles. So you can carry it hundreds of miles without any trouble.

Final Thoughts

“The classroom of the future” is a concept derived from Australia. However, now most countries have moved toward this concept due to its benefits. It is not a secret that bean bag stays on the top of the comfortable seat list. 

Also, standard bean bags are made with fully ergonomic guidelines. Thus, customers do not need to worry about health and other side effects. If you use it correctly, every corner of your body may feel super comfortable.

Because of these features, most colleges can use bean bags on their premises, including classrooms and libraries. So, select a suitable bean bag and use it for studying. Indeed, your academic life will be fantastic with this lovely furniture!

Bean Bag Tapping – Everything You Need To Know

Bean bag tapping is a strategy that uses to stimulate our sensory system. Here, it helps to add deep pressure input to our whole body. This technique can use to tap along legs, arms, lower back, and upper back. The bean bag is a significant component that can do this enormous task.

This is a rough answer that describes what bean bag tapping is. However, there is some scientific clarification for this. I know now you may wonder, can this small sac give great relief to my body? Or else, how do bean bags stimulate the sensory system? 

Here I share the essential facts about bean bag tapping. Please read it and add value to your life!

bean bag tapping

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Brain Functions And Bean Bag Tapping

Our brain always catches up with the sensory information from the environment. They are called environmental inputs. What are those environmental inputs? These are also referred to as sensory modulation. Sound, touch, smell, and taste belong to it.  

When our brain catches up with these environmental inputs or sensory information, it organizes them. Here, the brain helps us to identify and be aware of the physical world and our presence in the physical world.

On the other hand, it is an awareness that a person has about his physique. However, the capacity of this process will vary from person to person. Sometimes, now you may be a bit confused. So, let me describe this further!

Suppose when a person gets stimulated. Then his brain helps him concentrate on a particular stimulus while filtering out the rest. However, some people lack this ability. Or else, this ability is not well developed. 

So, is it normal? 

No! These types of conditions are not standard. The ordinary person should filter the other stimulus while concentrating particular stimulus. However, what should you do if you or your kid lack this ability? Is there any way to enhance this?

Some people have behavioral and development challenges. So, it is pretty tough to process sensory input. As a solution for this, experts have introduced bean bag therapy for these persons.

It is scientifically proved that bean bag therapies are the best method to improve the sensory system and environmental awareness. 

Who Needs Bean Bag Tapping Therapy?

  • Kids with autism
  • Adults with borderline personality disorders
  • Victims of trauma and abuse 

Why Do These People Need Bean Bag Tapping Therapy?

Generally, these people could be under-responsive or over-responsive to stimuli. As mentioned above, stimuli can be an odor, motion, sound, pain, sight, or taste.

However, when an ordinary person receives these stimuli, they respond accordingly. But that situation is slightly different if your kid suffers from the above disorders.

Their nerve system faces difficulties when judging the stimulus’s amount, intensity, and nature of the stimulus. Because of this cause, these people cannot show optimal performance and adaptations to these stimuli. 

So, it is challenging to deal with the ordinary world with these types of disorders. It affected their interpersonal skills, learning, and self-worth. 

That’s why bean bag treatment is worth this much to them! If you already have a kid with the above conditions, you may know the value. 

How Does Bean Bag Tapping Help Us?

Now you know what type of people require this bean bag tapping treatment. In this section, we will discuss how bean bag tapping works?

As you already know, bean bag tapping is a method that helps people to organize their senses and obtain awareness of their bodies. It ensures their versatility and safety. 

Generally, bean bags are filled with tiny beads. The beans and shredded memory foams are the widely used filler types to fill this small sac. 

Moreover, these tapping bean bags are available in various sizes and shapes. You can easily buy them from the market or online stone. So, if you want the new one, click here

How Do Bean Bags Work?

You can use this small sac to massage the body, including legs, feet, arms, hands, lower back, and upper back. The uniform pressure and hugging effect will give great relaxation and therapy. It causes them to realize that touch is good. Also, deep pressure therapy can apply to the kids that are suffering from autistic.

The bean bag fillers have a unique ability to adjust to the child’s physique. It makes them conscious of every move.

You can carry out the bean bag tapping process as a routine at certain times throughout the day. Here, you should keep in mind one important point. When you apply pressure to some area, it is tapped there for one minute. Then shift the bean bag to the next region.

These tapping motions help people to concentrate on different areas of their bodies. And also, it is a method to enhance body awareness. So, this process is ideal for trauma and abuse victims who may have grown fearful of touch.

This therapy is not only for people who have special needs. This therapy is suitable for everyone. The tapping input is exceptionally restful and grounding to the sensory system. That’s why bean bag topping has become a favorite hobby of most kids. 

I hope now you have a good idea about bean bag tapping and its health benefits. So, if you don’t have a bean bag already, definitely now you want to buy one. So, here I include a review of the best product that can be used to bean bag tapping. If it matches your requirements, buy them and enjoy the day!

Bean Bag Tapping Product: TalkTools Sensory Bean Bag

This tactile bean bag is designed to provide massage and expose clients to various playful and non-threatening experiences. You can buy them in various silky, bumpy, furry, and scratchy textures. So, you can feel a different touch when tapping a bean bag on your body.  

Moreover, these bean bags can stimulate hyposensitivity and hypersensitivity in persons. So, it is suitable for the people who have under-response and overresponse.

Not only the body, but you can also use this bean bag on your face. It is suitable for those who do not have adequate facial symmetry or midline orientation.

The TalkTool sensory bean bag comes with a small guidebook. So, you can use it very easily with these guidelines. On the other hand, this small bean bag has 11.5 x 5.1 x 1.3 inches in dimension and has a 3-ounce weight. So, it is easy to use.

To buy this, click here!

However, you can create this small bean bag at home. This is a normal bean bag, and only the purpose will change. So, click here to learn how to create a bean bag at home.

Final Thoughts

Bean bag tapping is a simple technique that uses to stimulate our sensory system. This technique is used for adults with borderline personality disorders, kids with autism, and victims of trauma and abuse. 

This process helps them to filter out these sensations through other environmental inputs. So, it will enhance body awareness. Moreover, bean bag tapping will give great relief to your body muscles of the face, legs, arms, and feet. 

I hope now you are well educated on this topic. Until we meet with another informative article, let’s take a small break!

Can You Heat a Bean Bag in the Oven?

Did you ever enjoy a hot water bath? How about your feeling. It is fantastic! Heat therapy has been a traditional medicine since the ancient era. 

The soothing heat will cool down your whole body. Hence, it is a widely used treatment for joint and muscle pain, especially when arthritis joints are unbearably stiff. So, after a long and hard day, people love to have a hot bath, saunas, infrared therapy, and electric heat pad therapy. The bean bag heat therapy is also a most common technique that most people love. 

However, rather than modern techniques, people use some traditional ones to do their work with minimum resources. On the other hand, the bean bag heating pads are custom-fitting any place on your body. That’s why bean bags have become a famous tool for heat therapy!

Believe me; it will give a super-duper experience to your body. It relieves chronic pains, spasms, menstrual cramps, tension headaches, and fibromyalgia. 

However, some people doubt whether they can heat a bean bag in the oven? If I give a short answer, yes. You can heat your bean bag using the microwave oven or conventional oven before using it.

Can You Heat a Bean Bag in the Oven

Table of Contents

Properties of a Heating Bean Bag

You can buy these types of bean bags from the market. Or else, you can make them at home. However, if you are going to make them, you cannot use every material you can find. 

You need to acquire some unique materials that are resistant to heat. If not, bean bag fabric and fillers will damage and destroy under high temperatures. 

So, let’s check the favorable properties. 

Bean Bag Cover

The bean bag cover should have the ability to tolerate high temperatures. But some bean bags lack this feature. In this situation, remove the outer cover and put the inner core into the oven.

Fillers of Bean Bag Heating Pads

As you already know, the regular bean bag chairs are filled with polystyrene beads (EPS). However, the bean bag heating pad is a bit different than it.

So, here, the EPS beads do not suit to fill them. If you use them, they will burn and produce toxic fumes. So, if any bean bags are made with EPS beads, do not try to heat them in the oven.

The bean bag heating pads should be filled with heat-resistant fillers. So, let’s check what type of fillers can withstand the oven’s heat. Also, these fillers should not react to heat.

So, if your bean bag is filled with the following filler types, you can heat them using an oven.

  • Corn
  • Rice
  • Small beans
  • Small peas
  • Buckwheat
  • Cherry pits
  • Flaxseed
  • Grass or birdseed
  • Wheat
  • Walnut shells

Make sure all these fillers are in dry and uncooked conditions. Another important thing is these fillers can be washed and dried. So, they should be resistant to mold and degradation.

Walnut shells, corn, rice, and wheat have good heat retention among the filler types. The Clay beads, Walnut shells, and Cherry pits resist mold and degradation. So, you can use them for an extended period.

However, all food-grade seeds degrade after a particular time. So, from time to time, you have to change them.

If you use the natural seeds to fill the bean bag, they may emit an aroma when it is heating. Here, you can use the best seeds that give your favorite scent from the above list.  

Best Temperatures for Bean Bag Heating Pad

You can use different filler types to fill Bean bags. Because of that, there is not a universal temperature range. It can vary.

Here, do not let your bean bag overheat. Thus, follow the process mentioned below. It will protect your favorite bean bag!

Step 1: Heat bean bag in the microwave for a 30 seconds

Step 2: Then take the bean bag out and check its temperature

Take 5 seconds to check this step.

Step 3: If the warmth of the bag is not enough, heat it again for another 30 seconds

Step 4: Again, take it out and check the temperature of the bean bag

Do not leave the bean bag while it is heating. Keep your eye on the microwave. If it overheats, the bag will start to smoke, and sometimes, it can burn in flames. So, again, keep careful.

1 -3 minutes is enough to heat your bean bag under 1000W power. However, please reduce the heating time if your microwave power is higher. According to the power of your microwave, this time can slightly change.   

Still in doubt? Do you need to know the extract time? Then check out the below facts!

Heat Bean Bags Using a Microwave Oven

Large Wheat Bean Bags: 60 X 18 cm

The heating time will depend on the wattage of the microwave oven. However, if you have a 700W oven, heat the wheat bean bag for 2 minutes.

Note: When heating, put a small glass with water in the microwave. It will protect your bean bag fillers by preventing the drying outs.

Medium Wheat Bags: 45 x 15 cm

You can heat this bean bag for 1.5 minutes in a 700 W microwave oven

Don’t you have a microwave oven? Do not worry. You can carry out the same process using the conventional oven.

Let’s check it in detail!

Heat Bean Bags Using a Conventional Oven

Large Wheat Bag: 60 X 18 cm

You can heat your bean bag using a conventional oven too. However, its technology is a bit different from microwave and doesn’t switch off automatically. Thus, you should pay extreme care when using this oven.

Then follow this process.

Step 1: Place the wheat bag in a cooking dish with a lid 

Or else, you can wrap it using aluminum foil. 

Step 2: Then, put it in the middle of the oven and heat it at 285 Fahrenheit.

If you have a fan-forced oven, 250 Fahrenheit is enough to heat the bean bag. 

Step 3: Leave the bean bag there for 12 to 15 minutes

Conventional ovens take more time than microwave ones. Keep it in mind! 

Step 4: Check the bean bag and rearrange it

This step helps you to ensure that your bean bag heats up uniformly.

Medium Wheat Bag: 45 x 15 cm

The heating process is the same as large bean bags. The only difference is that you should heat it for 8-10 minutes. 

I hope now you have a good idea about the bean bag heating process. Wait! There are some more interesting facts to share with you!

Important Notes

When reading the article, sometimes people may think, why do we use bean bags for heat therapy rather than other products?

The answer is flexibility! It is a distinguishing feature of the bean bag. So, when you use it, the bean bag adjusts with any part of your body. So, it gives a more comfortable experience to the user.

I hope now you get the answer.

However, this therapy is not recommended for small kids and pregnant women until their doctor’s permission. If you got the approval, enjoy this warm experience!

Read our guide on how to heat bean bags without a microwave.

Final Thought

Bean bags are a great medicine if you suffer from any physical pain. However, before using this, you have to heat it securely. The microwave oven and the conventional oven are the best to do this process. However, if you use a conventional oven, you should wait a few hours. However, the microwave oven can heat the bean bag within 1-3 minutes.

Carry on this process with the available resources and enjoy the heat therapy. We are waiting to hear about your fantastic experience!

22 Benefits of Baby Bean Bags

Are you waiting for a new arrival, a baby? Or else, Are you looking for the best seat for your newborn baby? Then purchase a baby bean bag! Believe me, it is not just a seat. It is a sac prepared by god’s hand and has a pack of benefits. Your baby will be more comfortable with this fantastic product.

We all want to give a super comfortable life to our kids, from birth to till they fly out of our hands. As a loving parent, I know you always think about giving a better future to your kids. That’s why now you are here and reading this article.

Before discussing the benefits of the baby bean bag, let’s see what a baby bean bag is!

The Baby bean bag is a seat specially designed for toddlers. It provides excellent comfort and relaxation to the baby’s entire body. The eventually distributed beans play a significant role here. It is made to withstand with baby’s weight. Also, baby bean bags eliminate the pressure points and give a relaxed seating environment.

Are there any gifts worth a comfortable sleep?

Other than these benefits, there are many benefits of baby bean bags. Let’s check them, one by one.

baby bean bag benefits

Table of Contents

Baby Bean Bag Benefits

Improves Posture

The baby bean bag is designed with ergonomics facts. So, it will give enough support for the body’s postures. So, unlike other typical furniture, it provides comfortable sleep to your baby.

On the other hand, these bean bags are filled with the right amount of fillers. Because of that, the bean bag can give enough push to the baby’s body. And also, the baby does not sink into a bean bag. Due to these features, your baby can maintain good head, neck, and back postures here.

Keeps Him Warm

Newborn babies are not fully adapted to the external environment. That’s why they love to attach to their mother’s body. They are always searching for a safer and warmer place that replicates their mother’s womb. That’s a reason why toddlers cry when their mothers go away.

If you are a parent, I’m sure you may have the same doubt. A baby bean bag is an excellent solution for this matter. A Baby bean bag provides a soft and warm feel to your baby. So, they can take a sound sleep there.

Comfortable Sleep

As you already know, babies need more sleep than adults. They spent most of the time the day sleeping. It is around 10-16 hours.

The time slots can vary from child to child. But why do they need a long sleep?

It is a biological process. Newborn babies are not fully adapt to the external environment. So, they get good sleep until they gradually familiarize themselves with the environment. Not only that, this sleep helps to develop the baby’s brain and body functions. So, it is essential to have a good sleep.

However, you cannot hang them the entire time of the day. It is also not good for the body. Parents use different mats and sleeping pads to keep their babies as a solution for this.

However, do these surfaces give enough comfort to your baby? How do you determine whether these surfaces are comfortable?

We already know that toddlers cannot express their feelings verbally in the first stages of their lives. But as a parent, you may know how to catch their messages. Generally, they express their feelings non-verbally, and crying is a major way. If you are a parent, you may know how hard to bear this and settle them.

However, if you buy a baby bean bag, you can have a good breath just after your baby sleep. Due to its comfort, kids sleep there happily for a long time without disturbance. Is there any more worth than this?

baby bean bag chair

Health Benefits

There is a huge number of benefits that come with bean bags. Among them, health benefits are more prominent. 

Let’s check the health benefits of baby bean bags?          

Reduces Flat Head

Each baby is born with a soft skeleton and skull. During the growth stages, these skeletons get stiff and rigid. However, if your baby sleeps on a hard surface during this period, flat on their back, it can cause the flat head syndrome.

However, a bean bag filled with soft beans is ideal for this. It perfectly molds with the baby’s body and gives super support for immature-borne muscles.

Helps With Reflux

A Baby bean bag is an ideal choice for babies suffering from reflux and even colic. The baby would face discomfort when bringing the milk back up after feeding. However, the inclined position helps to alleviate this discomfort. It is an excellent benefit for all the parents who have newborns.

Offers Proprioceptive Input

Some kids have sensory processing disorders. These kinds of toddlers lack body awareness. So, the baby bean bag is beneficial for them to get the proprioceptive input they need.

Perfectly Mold And Wrap Up

Do you know that the baby bean bag has a unique ability to automate personalization according to your toddler? This is a unique feature that only comes with a bean bag. The soft beans can adjust according to the baby’s body shape. 

So, these perfectly molded soft beans allow your child to sleep super comfortably.


Baby bean bags are made with breathable cotton. Moreover, these breathable fabrics help to transfer body heat into the environment. So, your baby will not discomfort because of heat, and it allows your baby to take comfy relaxation.

Keep Stable

Baby bean bags protect your child in different ways. Most of them come with safety belts. So, you can keep your baby in a stable and fixed position. It will help eliminate dropping down your kid from the bean bag.

Also, toddlers tend to change their body postures at the same growth stage. It is okay until this posture does not block their respiratory path. If you have ever used a regular sleeping pad, sometimes you may have experienced this.

But what happens if your baby is lying on the stomach position and presses his nose and mouth into the bean bag? Yah. It is not a good thing, at least to imagine!

However, do not worry about this if you use a baby bean bag. The safety belt limited the child’s movements. So, they cannot try dangerous postures here. This is the most critical benefit that comes with baby bean bags.

Safe Seat

The newborn babies have immature bone structures. So, it is essential to keep in mind when selecting bean bags for them.

However, if you use a baby bean bag, you are free from these matters. Thus, baby bean bags are aligned with safety standards.

Manufacturers use fire redundant fabric and fillers to prepare baby bean bags.

Help Baby To Sit Up

Babies grow and improve day by day. So, if a sleeping pad can support the very first stages of their life, it is a blessing.

However, if you have a baby bean bag, you may not need to worry. The forms provide a cushioning effect to the baby’s body and adjust accordingly. Not only the sleep, but it also offers good support to sit up position.

Generally, babies start to try sit-up positions between four and seven months. In this stage, bean bags give them great support to try this posture without falling over.

Cozy Edges

Kids are born to do experiments. On the other hand, their steps are not stable at the beginning stages of life. Because of that, they always get down and pull down into the floor. But it has a little dangerous.

What happens if your baby hits the rigid edge of a chair or bed? Yes, there are risks. As a responsible parent, you must minimize the risk and protect your kid.

The baby bean bag is made with soft fillers and fabrics. Also, it has not any rough edges and corners. Due to that, you can use this fantastic furniture with your kid without any worry.

Multiple Options to Select

What is your baby’s favorite color? Or else, what color do they react with a happy mood?

If there is any color, choose that color bean bag for your kid. Or else, if you are bored with the same design, you can remove the existing cover and put a new one on the bean bag.

Range of Sizes and Shapes Available

There is a wide range of sizes and shapes available in the market. So, you can select the best one that suits your baby.

The truth is each baby bean bag is not suited for any baby. Here, you can first check your requirement. What is your baby’s size? How much seat space needs to accommodate them comfortably?

Rather than that, the firmness level, height, and width also match your baby’s body size.

Shall I say a tip?

Babies grow fast. So, when you purchase a bean bag, think about it too. Your baby bean bag size should be enough to accommodate your baby after they grow.

Travelling Friendly

Don’t stop traveling mode because of the newborn. You can travel with your babies in safe and protective ways. I know long-distance travel with babies is a bit complex thing.

You have to carry them in your lap and entertain them. However, keeping babies on your hands or laps for a long time is not easy. It may be uncomforted both baby and parent. So, many parents use baby bean bags while they travel as a solution for this.

The Bean bag is a super flexible seat that provides countless experiences to the user. Why do I say so?

Think, when you travel in the car and carry your little one with you. When you drive, you may experience some vibrations. So, if you keep your baby in your hand, they also feel them. However, babies cannot tolerate these kinds of circumstances. They have a very immature body and are sensitive to each environmental parameter. So, a baby bean bag is an ideal choice as a traveling pad.

Moreover, the beans move according to the small changes in the car. So, it can minimize or prevent the effect of vibration. Here your baby can take a sound sleep. And also, you can carry your baby for a long distance without being tired.

You can easily carry a baby bean bag room to room or upstairs to the ground floor, not only for travel purposes.

Think, your baby sleep on a baby bean bag, and you want to cook a meal at that time slot. Then you can easily carry them to the kitchen and keep an eye on them while cooking. Here, you can carry your baby from place to place without disturbing his sleeping time.


If I say the baby bean bag has the ability to grow with your child, do you believe it? Yes, it is true!

Here, you can remove the harness of the bean bag once the baby can sit up independently. Also, some bean bags come with removable straps. So, these bags can use until your kid grows three years old. You can check this before buying a bean bag. Check the age label tag.

Using a baby ben bag will be an excellent experience for your kid in their toddlerhood.

Easy to Clean

If you are a parent, you may know how hard to deal with kids’ things. The unavoidable food throwing, dirty nappies, and milk dribbles mess up your room.

Yes, a baby bean bag is specially designed for toddlers. But manufacturers consider toddlers’ and parents’ views.

Hence, they include wiping clean surfaces on the baby bean bag. So, if your baby dirts the bean bag with their pee, the parent can easily mop up these spills.

On the other hand, baby bean bags come with a removable outer cover. So, if you feel it wants some refresh, wash and clean them.

Portable Seat

Baby bean bags come lightweight and easy to carry. And also, it is easy to grab and handle. Due to these features, you can take it with you.

Stylish and Modern

We all love trending fashions and moving with the modern world. That’s why most wooden furniture rejects this era and goes for more comfortable and modified ones.

Baby bean bag is a product of the modern world. It is stylish. So, both parents and children love this product. The funky and elegant appearance attracts the eyes of everyone.

On the other hand, this is a tool that you always carry. Sometimes, you have to bring it to the supermarket, cinema, or office. So, the sleeping pad represents a kind of your status. However, if you have a baby bean bag, do not worry about these things. You can carry this modern furniture any place.

The best news is that plenty of shapes and designs are available in the market. So, you can select the ideal one.

Customizable Design

Some manufacturers introduce special benefits for their clients. It is a customized design. Here, you can choose suitable sizes, colors, and patterns according to your preference. It is great to create a baby bean bag that you imagine.

Close to the Ground

You indeed have experienced falling down your kid from the highest places. Some are not dangerous. But some incidents are hazardous. I know as a parent, you are always worried about minimizing the risk levels.

A baby bean bag is great for this. All manufacturers consider these facts before producing and preparing baby bean bags with a low height. So, you can keep your kid there without any worry.

Due to it being close to the ground, your baby can easily climb in it and get in down when they grow. The standard bean bag allowed these natural movements of babies.

Safety Zipper

Bean bags rank at the top level in the safety baby tool list. Why am I saying so?

Manufacturers think about every aspect of the bean bag while they are making it. As a safety measure, they remove the flap of the zipper. Because of that, your kid is unable to open the bean bag. So, you and your baby are safe from undesirable bean spills.

Also, double-stitched corners enhance the strength and safety of the baby bean bag.

Final Thoughts

New-borne babies generally need good sleep to develop their body functions, including the brain and immune. Whether they sleep 30 minutes or 3,4 hours continuously, we should sleep peacefully. So, it is essential to reduce the other disturbances to achieve this. Then kids can sleep more calmly.